The Big Move of 2022 to Jubilee Ranch Oklahoma

The Big Move of 2022 From Nebraska to Oklahoma

What do you do when God puts a stirring in your heart to make a big change in your life? You follow that stirring and trust Him to lead you all the way! That is what began back in 2017 when the property around us got sold and we got surrounded by way too many distractions and irritating occasions. When the new neighbors built their road within 10 feet of our outdoor arena and a monster, mega million dollar mansion behind us, right next to our outdoor paddocks, we said “We are out of here!” We contacted an agent, put us up on the market, prayed and after 3 agents, the time and buyer was finally right, 5 years later!! Did this take a lot of faith and patience? For sure!! We looked at and put contingency payments on 4 different acreages, each one beautiful and within our budget but to no success due to our place not selling yet. It just was not the right time, as everything had to line up.

Photo of Prairie Gem Stables – Omaha, NE

We made our list out, of what we were praying for. And prayed and prayed and waited and waited. I got boxes and kinda started going through 30 years of living in the same home, which we were very grateful for. That was our beloved Prairie Gem, which we, with God’s help, bought in 1991, restored as much of the old place as we could afford, built an indoor arena and 35 stalls with materials from a pre-existing thoroughbred farm that was torn down into commercial buildings area, when Aksarben Arena and Park was bought out by the university and businesses. No more horse racing or horse shows there! Sad!

Over the 30 years in business with Prairie Gem and Gem Arabians, we saw much success in the training and rescuing of horses and instruction for riders. It was my passion and gradually became Rob’s life, after he received his kidney transplant in the year 2000, which he still miraculously has maintained great health due to that transplant!! We are so blessed!

Full pond April 2023

We found our dream home and land (40 acres) near Paden, Oklahoma, which is a little bitty town of 600, including surrounding ranches. There absolutely are no corn or soybean fields, anywhere near here. This part of the state is so beautiful and we are withing 1.25 hours from our daughter, Samone, and family!! We are able to get some time with Samone and “granddaughter Kamilah time”, usually a couple of times a month and so grateful for that, too.

Kamilah and Linda April 2023

Do the horses love it here? Oh my!!! Can we say do they love to bask in the sun, and run and jump and have races in their turnout, green pastures? Absolutely!! They just are different ponies!! It took Momentum a while to learn that it was not a big scary place, 10 to 100 feet from his stall and now he goes out and stays out in the pasture, as long as he can see the other horses. It was interested to see him change from being a “wall flower type of horse” who didn’t know what pasture was, into loving being out to enjoy the scene and sunshine and freedom!! That makes my heart so happy!!

Ritzi and Reda early spring 2023

So, what is in store for the new Jubilee Ranch Oklahoma? We will see what God puts together for us. We love our home, the gorgeous land and fishing pond he has given us. The quiet is so enjoyable. Maybe 30 cars down our rode per day, mostly pick ups and some oil trucks. Yes, there are lots of oil wells around us. This was not a horse ranch/facility and we had to build a lean to type barn for the 18 horses that we brought with us from Omaha. And we are almost complete on clearing the outdoor arena for some lessons and therapy ministry with horses. Our nonprofit business is in the set up stage and if anyone wants to contribute to helping us keep these horses fed and cared for, and to help us built this ministry, please email me at and I can give you the info. We do need the assistance, both in volunteers and in financials.

And we need your prayers, that God continues to bless this place for His Glory, and brings the right people here, and that we hear and follow His leading as we take this journey with “Healing for Humans and Horses”. If we can be of any support for you or someone you know, please let us know.

Missing all our old clients, friends and family back in Nebraska and Iowa,

Rob and Linda Brown